Advantages of RN4017
- Flexibility – Wide choice of nailing patterns and pallet variants
- User-Friendly – No robot programming required
- High Efficiency – Operator and robot work in parallel
- Productivity – Short cycle times
- Storage Space – Unlimited space for storing pallet recipes
The RN4017 enables fast and efficient nailing of pallets, reducing production downtime and increasing productivity.
With the ability to handle various nailing patterns, pallet sizes, and stacking methods, the RN4017 can optimize production for each customer. The RN4017 can be easily adapted to meet different production requirements and needs.
High Precision
The advanced technology in the RN4017 allows for precise nailing, resulting in high-quality pallets with consistent quality and durability.
The RN4017 can handle various nailing patterns, pallet sizes, and stacking methods, making it ideal for creating customized pallets for different applications.
Customize Pallets with Our Pallet Configurator Ekapallet
Ekapallet is our proprietary pallet configurator where you can design and create your own pallet in a simple and efficient way. With our innovative 3D design platform, the pallet can be tailored to meet unique needs and requirements.
The pallet can be customized based on pallet type, size, number of boards and blocks, and much more.
It is easy to generate drawings and specifications for the pallet after the design is approved.
Then, the pallet is ready for production.