Pallet Dictionary

We have worked with producing wooden pallets for over 10 years and we still see that there is a lot of confusion on which words to use - even within the industry. So here it comes, our pallet dictionary - an introduction to wooden pallets...

Pooling pallets

Pooling pallets are pallets with standardized requirements such as size, material, nails and design. They are constructed to be more durable than one way pallets to withstand the rough conditions of a pooling system. One of the most well known pooling pallets are EURO pallets, which have to be compliant with DIN EN 13698-1 and the European Pallet Associations (EPAL) requirements.

One way pallets

Other than pooling pallets, one way pallets are not part of a exchange system and are not standardized. They are not constructed to last more than once. This does not mean that it definitely can´t be used more than once, but may last longer. One way pallets are available in all standardized sizes, but also fully customized. They have lower production costs, especially if pooling isn´t an option, and the possibility of the highest hygiene standards.

Customized pallets

Customized pallets make it possible to use the loading area as efficient as possible, while they´re also optimized to fit specific products, making the transport saver and more cost efficiently. They are specifically customized to one customer and one product. Mostly, customized pallets are one way pallets because of its difficulties for pooling.

2-way pallets

Not to be confused with the meaning of one way pallets, 2-way pallets describe pallets with a two way entry for forklifts and hand trucks. They are less user friendly but are generally able to hold a higher payload due to the higher stability of stringers.

4-way pallets

Different to 2-way pallets, 4-way pallets can be handled from all 4 sides by a hand truck or forklift. It is either constructed with blocks or a stringer with notches. They are more user friendly due to its accessibility.

Block pallets

Pallets with blocks as part of the pallet legs. Block pallets are alsways 4-way pallets as they can be entered on all 4 sides with a forklift or hand truck. Block pallets can be with or without bottom deck boards or even a full perimeter base.

Stringer pallets

Pallet with pallet legs out of solid wood instead of blocks. Naturally stringer pallets are 2-way pallets, but if notched they can function as a 4-way pallet. Stinger pallets tend to be more resilient and durable due to its full solid wood. They can be with bottom deck boards or without - then called skid.

Perimeter pallets

Pallets where all blocks are connected with bottom deck boards forming a perimeter base.

Standard stacking

Mostly used stacking method - one pallet directly on the deck boards of the previous. There are other stacking methods that are more stace effective, but this method allows for an easy taking down of each pallet.

Braid stacking

A pallet is stacked upside down with an offset on another pallet, while the next pallet is placed inside the turned pallet - exactly above the first pallet. Space effective stacking method, but harder to destack.

Double braid stacking

A pallet is stacked upside down on another pallet, the next pallet is placed inside the turned pallet with an offset and the next pallet upside down directly above. The next pallet will be placed inside that pallet - at the same place as the first pallet. Space effective stacking method, but harder to destack. Not very common.

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